Survey for 28th Senatorial District Residents
Senate Bill 147 would allow the Pennsylvania Game Commission to institute Sunday hunting in Pennsylvania by regulation.
Here is a link to the legislation for your review.
Senate Bill 147 was approved by the Senate Game and Fisheries Committee by a vote of 8 to 3 on February 5, 2019. This is the most substantial step this issue has ever taken in Pennsylvania. We are one of seven states that bans most hunting on Sundays.
I recently concluded a survey on my website soliciting your feedback and opinions on a controversial matter advancing through the state Senate that paves the way for allowing Sunday hunting in Pennsylvania.
The results were nearly divided equally with opponents of the bill slightly outnumbering supporters of the bill. Below is a breakdown of the results:
Support Sunday hunting in Pennsylvania: 46.3 percent (167 responses)
Oppose Sunday hunting in Pennsylvania: 50.4 percent (182 responses)
Undecided about the issue: 3.3 percent (12 responses)
Below is a map that shows the feedback I received from across the 28th Senatorial District:
If you would like to provide your feedback on this issue or any state-related issue, please feel free to contact me.
Kristin Phillips-Hill
Senator, 28th District