Budget Hearing Q&A: Dept. of Agriculture (Part 2)
Senator Kristin Phillips-Hill questions Secretary Russell Redding during the Senate Appropriations Committee budget hearing for the Department of Agriculture. [Read More]
Senator Kristin Phillips-Hill questions Secretary Russell Redding during the Senate Appropriations Committee budget hearing for the Department of Agriculture. [Read More]
Senator Kristin Phillips-Hill questions Game Commission Executive Director Bryan Burhans during the Senate Appropriations Committee budget hearing for the PA Fish & Boat Commission and the PA Game Commission. [Read More]
Senator Kristin Phillips-Hill questions Adjutant General Mark Schindler during the Senate Appropriations Committee budget hearing for the Department of Military & Veterans Affairs (DMVA). [Read More]
Senator Kristin Phillips-Hill questions Secretary of Labor & Industry Nancy Walker during the Senate Appropriations Committee budget hearing for the Department of Labor & Industry. [Read More]
Senator Kristin Phillips-Hill questions Secretary of Labor & Industry Nancy Walker during the Senate Appropriations Committee budget hearing for the Department of Labor & Industry. [Read More]
Senator Kristin Phillips-Hill questions Secretary Rick Siger during the Senate Appropriations Committee budget hearing for the Department of Community & Economic Development (DCED). [Read More]
Senator Kristin Phillips-Hill questions Secretary of Corrections Laurel Harry during the Senate Appropriations Committee budget hearing for the Department of Corrections / Parole Board. [Read More]
Sens. Kristin Phillips-Hill (R-York) and Tracy Pennycuick (R-Montgomery/Bucks/Berks) announced their intention to introduce legislation aimed at elevating the Chief Information Officer (CIO) of the Commonwealth to a cabinet-level position. [Read More]
The Senate of Pennsylvania approved a measure aimed at supporting the efficient management of Pennsylvania's private and not-for-profit museums and historical societies, according to the legislation’s sponsor, Sen. Kristin Phillips-Hill (R-York). The bill will address the ownership challenges faced by these entities regarding abandoned, unclaimed, or undocumented property left in their care. [Read More]
Republicans who serve on the Basic Education Funding Commission unveiled their alternative report (Report #1) today during the final meeting at the state Capitol. According to the Republican lawmakers on the commission, the report provides a roadmap to provide greater budget stability for school districts, ensure students will receive at the least the same amount as the current year’s historic budget allocations, and seek to put in place greater accountability measures for hard-earned tax dollars paying for public education. [Read More]