Senator Phillips-Hill E-Newsletter

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In this update:

  • Bringing Transparency to Group Participating in Public Pension System
  • State Budget Priority: Respecting Those Who Pay Our Bills – YOU – The Taxpayer
  • Honoring Heroes at 12th Annual Fallen Heroes Ride
  • Legislation Giving Disabled Veterans Financial Relief Receives Senate Support
  • Senate Approves Bills to Address Nursing Home Worker Shortage
  • Spring Grove Rocketry Soars to Success
  • York County Farm Bureau Ice Cream Social
  • Meeting with Local Realtors to Discuss York County’s Housing Market
  • Senate Acts to Modernize Rules for Electronic Commerce
  • Upcoming PennDOT Maintenance Projects
  • On Deck

Bringing Transparency to Group Participating in Public Pension System 

My legislation to subject the Pennsylvania School Boards Association (PSBA) to the Right-to-Know Law was approved by the Senate State Government Committee this week.

The bill aims to ensure transparency in how taxpayer dollars are utilized within the Public School Employees’ Retirement System (PSERS).

Staff who work for PSBA can participate in the state’s pension system – the only such arrangement for any non-governmental entity. Additionally, state tax dollars cover PSBA’s Social Security reimbursement.

The staff of the association enjoy the same retirement benefit of public school teachers. As I noted during the committee meeting, if you want the benefit of a PSERS retirement, you should be subject to the state’s Right-to-Know Law.

Learn more about this bill here. Watch my comments during the committee meeting here.

State Budget Priority: Respecting Those Who Pay Our Bills – YOU – The Taxpayer

In Pennsylvania, the state budget is to be completed by June 30 of each year. As we work to reach consensus, Senate Republicans are continuing to fight for a budget that respects taxpayers and makes the best use of the state’s resources.

In February, Gov. Josh Shapiro proposed a massive $3.2 billion increase in state spending. Last month, Senate Republicans unveiled an alternative approach that would reduce taxes by approximately $3 billion annually. Instead of growing government bureaucracy and picking winners and losers, our plan would allow Pennsylvanians to decide how their money should be spent.

These historic tax cuts would provide relief to every Pennsylvanian who earns a paycheck by reducing the personal income tax rate from 3.07% to 2.8%, and every person paying an electric bill by eliminating the Gross Receipts Tax on energy.

Learn more about the process of enacting the 2024-25 state budget and watch the Senate in session here.

Honoring Heroes at 12th Annual Fallen Heroes Ride  

The freedoms we cherish today are secured by the brave men and women who sacrificed their lives in service to our country. Last weekend, I was honored to join the 12th Annual Fallen Heroes Ride to honor their legacy.

Heroes honored included:
First Lieutenant Darren M. Hidalgo, U.S. Army
Sergeant Christopher M. Wrinkle & Staff Sergeant Tosca, USMC
Staff Sergeant Benjamin S. Hines, USMC
Seaman Gatlin S. Green, U.S. Navy

This tribute was a poignant reminder of the sacrifices made by these heroes from York County. A heartfelt thank you to everyone who organized and attended this meaningful event. You can find more photos from the event on my Facebook.

Legislation Giving Disabled Veterans Financial Relief Receives Senate Support

To provide financial relief to more disabled veterans, the Senate passed Senate Bill 194 to exclude U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs and Attendance benefits as income when calculating eligibility for Pennsylvania’s 100% Disabled Veterans’ Property Tax Exemption.

Federal Aid and Attendance benefits provide monthly payments to disabled veterans who are housebound or need help with daily activities. Without the exclusion of this federal benefit, some disabled veterans are prevented from qualifying for property tax reductions.

The bill now moves to the House of Representatives for consideration. If you or someone you know is interested in receiving email updates specific to issues impacting our local Veterans, please sign up for my Veterans’ email updates here. I will be sharing an update with our local Veterans on Saturday morning!

Senate Approves Bills to Address Nursing Home Worker Shortage

With the number of older Pennsylvanians rising and nursing homes struggling to find qualified workers, the Senate passed two bills this week to reverse the worker shortage. Both bills now head to the House of Representatives for consideration.

Senate Bill 1102 would increase the number of nursing home workers by streamlining the training and certification process and removing barriers that prevent people from entering the health care workforce in Pennsylvania.

Senate Bill 1104 would further increase the nursing home workforce by enabling high school juniors and seniors to earn up to two elective credits for working or volunteering at a nursing home, personal care home or assisted living facility. Schools would establish program guidelines and procedures to allow students to earn one elective credit for each 250 hours of paid or volunteer work at a qualifying facility.

Spring Grove Rocketry Soars to Success

The Spring Grove Area Middle School Rocketry Team soared to second place at the American Rocketry Challenge Nationals, competing against 922 teams from 45 states. Led by Brian Hastings and Janet Senft, the team—comprising Zeke Trimmer, Gautham Narayan, Xavier Bowman and Eland Kampes—earned a spot in NASA’s Student Launch initiative and a $15,000 prize.

The high school team, comprised of members Haley Hake, Jacob Yingling, Jack Lutter, and Natalie Lecrone, also qualified to compete in the national competition. Congratulations to both teams for their stellar achievements and representation of excellence in STEM education!

You can watch the Rocketry team’s introduction during Senate session this week here.

York County Farm Bureau Ice Cream Social

It was a pleasure to join members of the York County Farm Bureau last weekend for their annual Ice Cream Social and share a legislative update from Harrisburg. Click here to see the delicious strawberries Shaw Orchards donated for the event! If you or someone you know is interested in receiving special updates on agriculture-related updates, please sign up for my email updates here.

Ice cream is also the perfect way to celebrate national dairy month. Of the nearly 5,000 dairy farms in the state, 99% are family-owned with many being handed down generation after generation.

Our dairy farmers work tirelessly each day to provide families everywhere with nutrient-rich foods. Dairy products contain nine essential nutrients that help to manage weight and reduce the risk of high blood pressure, osteoporosis and certain cancers. The nutrient powerhouse also helps build and repair muscle tissue and maintain healthy skin.

Celebrate National Dairy Month by raising a glass of milk or enjoying some delicious ice cream. Pennsylvania has an Ice Cream Trail that boasts great creameries all across Southern York County.

Let me know your favorite place to get ice cream by tagging your favorite shop here.

Meeting with Local Realtors to Discuss York County’s Housing Market

Thank you to the leadership of the Realtors Association of York and Adams County, including Kim Moyer, Allison Altman and Shanna Terroso, for taking the time to meet with me and provide me with an update on the local housing market and challenges facing new homebuyers.

We reviewed the impact of rampant inflation at the federal level that is causing the median home price in York County to rise from $250,000 last year to $265,000 this year, and the challenges of maintaining homeowners’ insurance shortly after the sale of a home.

Senate Acts to Modernize Rules for Electronic Commerce

The Senate passed legislation to modernize the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC), updating rules that govern digital asset transactions to ensure security, consistency and confidence. It now advances to the House of Representatives for consideration.

The UCC has provided consistency for commercial law and interstate commerce since 1954, when Pennsylvania led the initiative to adopt it. Since then, it has been adopted by all states and gives Americans legal confidence when transacting business across state lines. The last major revisions to the UCC took effect in 2001. In the two decades since, electronic property, or digital assets, have become much more prevalent in commercial transactions.

Senate Bill 1084 would bring the law into the 21st century by establishing guidelines to cover digital asset transactions involving virtual currencies, non-fungible tokens, electronic accounts and other forms of electronic commerce. It would also make other needed technical updates to the UCC.

Upcoming PennDOT Maintenance Projects

Most weeks, PennDOT shares with me its maintenance schedule for the week ahead. When it becomes available, you can view the full list here to see if it will impact you and your family.

On Deck

The Senate of Pennsylvania reconvenes on Monday, June 10, at 1 p.m. You can watch all of the Senate votes and view our agenda here.


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