Senator Phillips-Hill E-Newsletter

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In this update:

  • Fighting for York County’s Future
  • Lucky Start to Coffee and Conversation
  • Budget Hearings Reinforce Need for Greater Financial Accountability
  • Grow PA Scholarship Grant Applications Available Now
  • Exchange Club of Hanover 71st Builder’s Home & Garden Show
  • Supporting York County Sheriff’s Office K9 Unit
  • Free Trees to Help Public Replace Invasive Plants
  • Honoring Eagle Scout Nicholas Testerman
  • Tune In: Face the State this Sunday
  • Mobile Office Hours Next Week
  • Happy St. Patrick’s Day!
  • Upcoming PennDOT Maintenance Projects

Fighting for York County’s Future

Gov. Josh Shapiro was in York County this week promoting his “Lightning Plan” to expand “green” energy projects, including battery storage facilities. However, our county is facing a real threat from out-of-town developers who want to take preserved farmland and turn it into a massive battery site, all to benefit Maryland energy users.

We should not be sacrificing our land for another state’s energy needs. The proposed pumped storage facility in Chanceford Township could destroy preserved farmland, eliminate recreational opportunities for York County residents, and impact historic preservation, including Native American sites and artifacts. Meanwhile, the only beneficiaries would be Marylanders, as politicians south of the Mason-Dixon line continue to shut down baseload energy generation.

During the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection budget hearing, I pressed for answers on these policies. The governor claims his “Lightning Plan” will supercharge Pennsylvania’s energy future, but his own administration has admitted that it’s “not probable” the tax credits he’s pushing will even be used. If this plan is really an incentive for energy projects, why does his own budget suggest otherwise?

York County deserves better. I will continue to stand up and fight against this harmful project.

Lucky Start to Coffee and Conversation

Our Coffee and Conversation series is back, and we’re kicking it off with a bit of luck. Join me at Merlin’s Coffee on St. Patrick’s Day, March 17, from 9:30-10:30 a.m. for a chance to catch up, share what’s on your mind, and enjoy a cup of coffee on me.

Merlin’s Coffee is located at 10 S. Franklin St. in Hanover.

More Coffee and Conversation events will be coming to locations across the district, bringing these conversations even closer to you. Stay tuned for details, and I hope to see you on St. Patrick’s Day at Merlin’s Coffee.

Budget Hearings Reinforce Need for Greater Financial Accountability 

After three weeks of detailed public hearings examining Gov. Josh Shapiro’s $51.5 billion budget plan – which would increase state spending by an eye-popping 7.5% compared to the current fiscal year – it is clear that his priorities are very different than those of my colleagues and me.

Shapiro’s unsustainable spending plan would quickly drain every dollar in the state’s bank accounts – including our entire $7.3 billion in emergency savings in the Rainy Day Fund – within two years. This is especially troubling at a time when respected, nonpartisan sources like the Independent Fiscal Office are warning that Pennsylvania faces serious financial challenges. Notably, not even Shapiro’s own team claims that the astronomical cost of his proposed budget can be paid for without higher taxes.

My colleagues and I will fight for taxpayers throughout this year’s state budget negotiations. We will continue to work toward a responsible state budget that promotes economic growth, job creation, and fiscal stability for the commonwealth.

Grow PA Scholarship Grant Applications Available Now 

The Grow PA Scholarship Grant Program, created by my colleagues and me, offers grants of up to $5,000 per year for in-state students who pursue a degree or certification for an in-demand occupation. The application period for grants is open now, with funding awarded on a first come, first served basis.

To qualify for the grant, applicants must agree to live and work in Pennsylvania in that occupation after graduation. Grant recipients will be required to live and work in Pennsylvania for 12 months for each year they receive the grant. Failure to meet this requirement will result in the grant converting to a loan requiring repayment.

Courses of study that qualify for the grant include agriculture, computer science, business, education, special education, STEM education, engineering, nursing, allied health, criminal justice, and other programs as approved by the Pennsylvania Higher Education Assistance Agency (PHEAA). Learn more or apply here.

Exchange Club of Hanover 71st Builder’s Home & Garden Show 

This past weekend, I had the opportunity to attend the Exchange Club of Hanover’s 71st Annual Builder’s Home & Garden Show! It was a pleasure to connect with our community and see the incredible work of local businesses and vendors.

A highlight of the evening was catching up with our local Girl Scouts and of course, picking up a few boxes of cookies! I also made sure to grab some of the Exchange Club of Spring Grove’s famous homemade chocolates.

Thank you to everyone who made this event possible and to those who continue to invest in our local community. You can find more photos from this event on my Facebook.

Supporting York County Sheriff’s Office K9 Unit

It continues to be my great honor to support the York County Sheriff’s Office K9 Unit. I was truly humbled to be recognized, alongside many other York Countians, for contributing to this vital part of law enforcement in our community.

These highly trained K9s and their dedicated handlers provide invaluable service, including locating missing children, detecting explosives, and identifying narcotics. Beyond their critical roles, they also serve as incredible ambassadors for law enforcement.

Thank you to the York County Sheriff’s Office K9 Unit for your unwavering commitment to keeping our community safe! You can find more pictures from the breakfast on my Instagram.

Free Trees to Help Public Replace Invasive Plants  

Non-native trees and shrubs can have negative ecological and economic impacts on nearby natural areas. Some of those plants include callery pear, tree-of-heaven, Norway maple, burning bush, Japanese barberry and butterfly bush.

The Pennsylvania Invasive Replace-ive Program is a new initiative that will give homeowners and others the option to remove invasive trees and shrubs from their property and replace them with native trees. Doing so will reduce the likelihood of these species moving into neighboring properties, parks and forests.

Property owners are encouraged to remove one or more invasive species and receive up to five free, healthy, native, young replacement trees. Learn more about how to participate. Please note that the Carlisle plant replacement program is already at capacity.

Honoring Eagle Scout Nicholas Testerman 

Congratulations to Nicholas Testerman of Troop 400 in Delta on achieving the prestigious rank of Eagle Scout! It was an honor to present him with a citation from the Senate of Pennsylvania in recognition of this outstanding achievement.

For his Eagle Scout project, Nicholas, the son of Troy and Amanda Testerman, installed a slate walkway at the Welsh Slate Quarrymen’s Cottages at Coulsontown in Delta. His efforts have improved accessibility and contributed to the preservation of this treasured historical landmark.

Well done, Nick! You can find more photos from his Court of Honor here.

Tune In: Face the State this Sunday

On Sunday at 8:30 a.m., I sit down with Joel D. Smith of CBS-21 for “Face the State,” a program focused on state government. We will discuss the latest state budget updates and the need for fiscal responsibility. Just like Pennsylvania families are making tough choices to manage their budgets, state government must do the same by cutting back on wasteful spending. I hope you can watch us on Sunday morning!

Mobile Office Hours Next Week

Next Thursday, my team will be back at the Penn Township Municipal Building, 20 Wayne Ave., Hanover, from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

During these hours, my team will be available to assist with PennDOT forms, Property Tax/Rent Rebate applications, notary services, and other state-related needs. My team looks forward to seeing you there!

You can find more information on the mobile offices here.

Happy St. Patrick’s Day! 

A celebration of Irish heritage, St. Patrick’s Day became an official religious holiday in the early 17th century. It commemorates the arrival of Christianity in Ireland.

“May your blessings outnumber the shamrocks that grow, and may trouble avoid you wherever you go.” – Irish blessing

Upcoming PennDOT Maintenance Projects 

Most weeks, PennDOT provides me with its upcoming maintenance schedule. While my team and I aim to keep this information up to date, please note that the page may not always reflect the latest changes. For the most accurate details, I recommend checking back on Friday afternoons or over the weekend, as we usually receive updates from PennDOT on Fridays. You can view the full list here to see if any roadwork might impact you and your family.


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